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Mark 9:30-37 - True Greatness

Athletes seek to set records; business people seek a higher position; laborers lust after higher pay; students seek better grades, more influence, and cooler friends. But there is a danger in that pursuit. The higher up we find ourselves in terms of power, influence, and wealth, the more vulnerable we are to pride, and the more prone we are to be blind to our spiritual needs and deficiencies. The sly encroachment of pride will render us useless to God and others. Pride manifests itself in many subtle and lethal ways. Are you a proud person or a humble person? Carefully read the differences between a proud heart and a humble heart.

  • The proud heart focuses on the failures of others; the humble heart is overwhelmed with their own spiritual need.
  • The proud heart is critical and fault-finding; the humble heart is compassionate and forgiving.
  • The proud heart is independent and self-sufficient; the humble heart is dependent and recognizes its need of others holding them accountable.
  • The proud heart wants to prove it is right; the humble heart is willing to yield the “right” to be correct.
  • The proud heart claims their "rights"; the humble heart yields their "rights."
  • The proud heart desires to be served and to receive; the humble heart desires to serve and to give.
  • The proud heart desires to be a success; the humble heart is motivated to be faithful and make others a success.
  • The proud heart has a drive to be recognized and appreciated; the humble heart carries a sense of unworthiness.
  • The proud heart thinks how lucky others are to have "me" serve "them"; the humble heart thinks how incredible God is to use me at all.
  • The proud heart is wounded when others are recognized; the humble heart rejoices when others are recognized.
  • The proud heart is sad and remorseful over their sin; the humble heart is genuinely repentant, desiring to forsake its sin.
  • The proud heart is confident in how much it knows; the humble heart is humbled by how much it needs to learn.
  • The proud heart is self-conscious; the humble heart is not concerned with self.
  • The proud heart privately keeps others at arm’s length; the humble heart is willing to risk getting close to others.
  • The proud heart is quick to blame others; the humble heart accepts responsibility and sees where it could be wrong.
  • The proud heart has a hard time saying, “I was wrong”; the humble heart is quick to admit its failure and seek forgiveness.

True Greatness In God’s Eyes Involves Dying To Self (Mark 9:30-32).
Q: How does God see yo?
A: God sees you as being imperfect, flawed, corrupted, messed up, distorted, defiant, and rebellious in sin. He knows that you violate His law, distort His character, and resist His perfect plan.

Q: Do you see yourself the same way God sees you?

Q: How is Jesus the perfect model of humility?
A: As the perfect Son of God, Jesus left heaven to live as a man for 33 years, then die for the sins of the world. His death was the death of a criminal – tortured on a cross. Romans 5:6; 8 says, “6 For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Jesus demonstrated true humility by solving our sin problem on the cross which is the perfect example of humility.

Q: What is humility?
A: Humility is dying to self. It is serving others, giving yourself away, and seeking what is best for others.

Q: On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate yourself in the area of being humble?
True Greatness In God’s Eyes Involves Serving Others (Mark 9:33-35).
Q: In what ways are Jesus’ words counter-cultural – both today and in Jesus’ day?

Q: How does your heart respond to Jesus' words: “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.

Q: Who should you serve?
  1. Serve one another – (Galatians 5:13).
  2. Serve others with your giftedness in this local church – (1 Peter 4:10-11).
  3. Serve your unsaved neighbor – (Matthew 5:16).
True Greatness In God’s Eyes Involves Caring About Those No One Else Cares About (Mark 9:36-37).
Q: Why did Jesus hold a child in His Arms?
A: In Jesus' day, children were not seen as being sweet and adorable. They were insignificant and had no status.

Q: What was the message Jesus was sending when He welcomed and embraced this child?

Q: Who are the so-called “insignificant” people in our day?
A: The mentally impaired, the physically disabled, the aged, the orphans, the needy and sick, the poor, the imprisoned, the socially awkward.

Q: How do you need to better serve these people?

Q: Below are three tests of pride. What kind of grade would you give yourself regarding these three areas?
  1. The Test of PRECEDENCE: How do you react when another person is selected for the assignment you expected? How do you respond when a co-worker is promoted and you are overlooked? What happens in your heart when another person outshines you in gifts and accomplishments?
  2. The Test of SINCERITY: In moments of honest self-criticism, you may say hard things about yourself and really mean them. But how do you react when others, especially your rivals, state the exact same things about you that you know to be true?
  3. The Test of CRITICISM: Does criticism arouse resentment in your heart and cause you to flee to immediate self-justification? Are you quick to criticize your critic?

CALL TO ACTION: Only when you compare yourself to Christ, who humbled Himself by dying on a cross for your sins will you begin to be overwhelmed by the vile pride in your heart. Take time this week to deeply remember and give thanks for the incredible example of Christ’s humility by dying for a proud, defiant sinner – like you.

IMPORTANT QUESTION: What does it mean to become a Christian?
  1. Becoming a Christian is not accepting Jesus in your heart so you can have “fire insurance” from hell and then continue to live sinfully for yourself.
  2. Becoming a Christian involves coming to an end of yourself. It means that you hate your sick, proud, and selfish sin.
  3. Becoming a Christian means that you surrender your life to Christ, believe that He took the punishment for your sins on the cross and that He rose again from the dead and lives to give you eternal life.

If you’ve never come to an end in yourself, but in your heart, you are sick of your pride, and see it as God does, then humble yourself and turn to Jesus Christ alone to be saved.

  1. Admit that you have sinned against God and ask Him for forgiveness of your sins.
  2. Believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for you on the cross, rose from the dead, and is Lord.
  3. Call upon Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior.
  4. Allow a mature Christian to help you grow in your relationship with Christ.





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