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Mark 10:32-45 - The Suffering Servant Leader

Christ was a servant and a slave, then was exalted by His Father, and given a name which is above any other name – President, king, billionaire, sports legend — better, showing us the path to greatness is not the world’s way, it’s God’s way . . . not self-promotion, but self-denial. So are you aware of . . .

To serve others, you have to be around those you are to serve. Who are you roped to? Like a mountain climber, you were never meant to climb solo as a Christian. Your family was never meant to stand alone as Christians. Sadly today, weak churches have encouraged a spectator mentality where it’s okay to watch the Sunday show occasionally, without any mention of the commands to serve and love each other.

The joy and blessing of Christ is found in the community of the local church – there are some pains, yes, but great joy! No Christian school, or para-church ministry ever replaces the local church. This is the Body of Christ, His Bride. Therefore, you are to function in ministry, you are to be interconnected to people of the local church relationally. That is not optional for an obedient Christian. Get involved in a small group, get tied into a ministry where people know you, support you, pray for you, love each other, build each other up, disciple each other – that is normal New Testament Christianity.

  • What keeps you from joining a small group?
  • Are you the person who has the “spectator mentality” that enjoys watching the Sunday show?
The greatest among us are the servants – and servants serve! Don’t let anything stop you from serving. Don’t allow sports, entertainment, functions, family, health, job, or relationships get in the way of faithfully serving. This is the only path to true spiritual greatness, and true spiritual impact in this life. Everything we do that’s filled with the Spirit does count for God’s glory. But to be obedient, to be great, to be in the Spirit, you will faithfully use your gifts to serve others in the church. Commit to faithfully serve.

  • What ministry do you need to get involved with where you can serve and connect with others who can know you, support you, and pray for you?
  • How is God challenging you in the area of serving others?
  • Where would this church be if everyone served like you?
  • How are you serving those who can give you nothing in return?
  • In what ways are you afraid to serve the Lord and the church?

As we truly serve others and slave for others, it puts Christ on display and gives us the perfect opportunity to share about how Christ served and sacrificed for us. Your purpose on this planet is to let others know that God became a man to bear God’s wrath for your sin, then rise from the dead to be unashamed. Calling others to repentance is what brings joy to Heaven and to our hearts.

  • Who do you need to speak to about how Jesus became a man to bear the wrath for their sin, then rose from the dead so they can live forever with Him?
  • Where would you be if Jesus served and sacrificed like you?

Only those who are willing to slave, to consider everyone to be your master, to humble yourself so you could wash the feet of the ungrateful – only those will experience true greatness in God’s eyes, and true joy in your heart. Do you see yourself as a slave, doing whatever Christ commands? Only the humble follow God’s Word, no matter what. To be a servant, then a slave, requires a humble heart. And every humble heart will serve, even slave, for God’s glory.

  • Is there any area of service that you feel is “below you?” If so, can you hear how prideful your answer is?
  • What area of service do you need to humble yourself in so you can be pleasing to God and helpful to others?

Christ alone can change your heart so that you want to obey. Christ alone transforms you so that you want to follow Christ. Christ alone causes a person to become obedient from the heart. And that means if you’re a genuine believer you will follow Christ, obey Christ, become a servant, desire to slave, and imitate Christ. And true Christians know they can’t do any of this on their own – we must depend on the Holy Spirit in order to serve and slave.
Those who self-promote live by their own strength. Those who self-deny depend on the Spirit’s strength. Don’t self-promote, do self-deny. Flee self-promotion, pursue self-denial. Depend on Christ to serve and slave for His glory. Let’s worship Christ now by our obedience to His Word.

  • Are you a self-promoter, or are you pursuing self-denial?
  • What areas of your life do you need to pursue and practice self-denial?





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