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Ruth 2 - Rags To Riches

Sometimes we’re called to step out in faith, not knowing the destination or the outcome. Ruth literally had to step out in faith as she went to the barley fields seeking someone in whose eyes she could find favor. As she proceeds in a seemingly random direction, God is actually ordering the events of Ruth’s life, leading her to work, food and a dramatically different future. Ruth had committed herself to the God of Israel, and she would soon discover that He was able to do immeasurably more than she could ever ask or imagine.
Below are snippets of the story found in Ruth 2. It is our hope that they will reinforce the truths of Sunday’s sermon.
Ruth 2:1-3 - Compassion

We talk about ‘compassion fatigue’ as if the relentless media images of human suffering somehow make us immune to people’s needs. Yes, the need is great, and sometimes we wonder what difference our small contribution makes. But don’t give up on compassion! Again and again, the Bible tells us that God is compassionate (Psalm 86:15), and as His people, we are to mirror His character and priorities. Compassion is faith in action; it sets us apart as Christ’s followers and commends the gospel powerfully (John 13:35). ‘Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion’ (Colossians 3:12). Put on compassion today – don’t leave home without it!
  • Are you a caring and compassionate person?
  • Do you have more compassion for certain types of people?
  • Who do you need to show compassion to this week?

Ruth 2:4-7 – Are you a good employee or boss? How do you treat people at work?
Boaz knew his workers well. He immediately spots the new girl working in his field and asks his foreman about her. Interestingly, the man responds by giving him a detailed and honest report, underlining their effective working relationship.

This story does have something to say about the importance of employer–employee relationships. If you are a boss, you have considerable responsibility for how you behave among your employees. Likewise, how employees respond to their boss is also of great significance.

Whether you are the boss, the lowest employee in the organization, or a volunteer for a charity, remember that you are ultimately serving your heavenly master, so ‘whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him (Colossians 3:17).
  • Do you express your care and appreciation for the people you work with verbally? Who do you need to reach out to this week?
  • Is there someone in your workplace that would benefit from your kindness?
  • Are you patient with people in your workplace who are not as productive as you are?

Ruth 2:8-10 – Do you show gratitude?

Ruth is astonished at Boaz’s kindness. She is very different from most people today. We expect kindness and are astonished and resentful if we don't get our rights. But Ruth expresses her sense of unworthiness by falling on her face and bowing to the ground. Proud people don't say thanks. Humble people are made even more modest by being treated graciously. Grace is not intended to lift us out of lowliness. It's intended to make us happy in God.
  • Think of someone that has made a significant impact in your life. Have you ever let them know? If not, find a way to tell them by sending them a letter, email, or card.
  • What are a few of the simple (or small) things in life that you have been grateful for this week?

Ruth 2:13-16 – Who or what are you taking refuge in?
We don’t like to admit it, but all of us take refuge in something; we seek security and protection in our job, family, reputation, even money. The distinguishing feature of Ruth’s life was that her refuge was in Yahweh.

Whatever your concerns or struggles, take “refuge” in Jesus today. He is your protector and provider. Nestle yourself in the shadow of His wings. He is the only one able to give you all you need – and so much more!
  • What does the word refuge make you think of?
  • What are the events in life that are causing you to run to Jesus?

Ruth 2:17-23 – Who sharpens your iron?
Have you got a Ruth/Naomi relationship with anyone? Have you got someone you share life with, who celebrates God’s grace with you and prays for you regularly? Most of us have good Christian friends, but will you take your friendship to a deeper level? Find ways to share your spiritual journey – pray together, share Bible verses or talk about the opportunities God is giving you at work or at home to live for him – and spur each other on to godliness.
  • Who do you have in your life that can ask you questions that are purposefully invasive that pertain to your devotional life, purity, relationships, integrity in the workplace, and the desires of your heart?





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