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Mark 12:13-17 - God and Government

3 Questions:
1. How did the Holy Spirit use God’s word to convict you?
2. How did the Holy Spirit use God’s word to encourage you?
3. What is one thing you will do this week in response to God’s word?

If you want to give to God what is rightfully His, then…
Focus on the GOSPEL 
Let your heart be consumed with your eternal home. Make it your mission to invite everyone to join you in Heaven through the message of the Gospel, which tells us how God became a man in the person of Christ, died on the cross for our sins, rose from the dead, and lives today.  

Someone said, “As we live in the city of man, let us serve the city of God.” Think about your mindset and attitudes. Are you more focused on preserving America or building the Kingdom of Christ (making disciples)? Our faith isn’t about building a Christian nation. It is about taking Christ to all nations.

Jesus said to “give to God the things that are God’s.” He was talking about our own lives. We are the image-bearers of God (like the coin bore the image of Caesar). Giving ourselves to God means that we do not make an idol of our government or our political views, which contribute to self-righteousness. It is often our political views that make us feel morally superior to others.
  • Have you seen this idol creep into your life? 
  • How can giving yourself to God more fully free you from this idol?

Pray, PAY, Obey
Jesus told the leaders to obey and pay taxes to the same government that will kill him. How does that inform you on how you should respond to your government today? See Romans 13:1.
  • What are some practical ways Christians should obey their government?
  • Are there times when giving ourselves to God will mean disobeying the government? See Acts 5:29.
  • When does a government forfeit its authority over us as Christians?

Speak the TRUTH
A sincere compliment is based on truth. Flattery is based on a lie like your grandma would say, “You’re the smartest boy in the world,” and you just flunked lunch.

God hates flattery. In Psalm 12:3, he says, “May the Lord cut off all flattering lips and the tongue that speaks great things.”

Hypocrites will say anything to get what they want. Watch out for people who give unfounded or excessive compliments. Ephesians 4:15 tells us to “Speak the truth in love.”
  • When you hear the word “hypocrisy,” which of the following comes to mind: Politicians, Parents, Professors, Doctors, Yourself?
  • What are some areas of your life, big or small, where you practice hypocrisy?

Maintain your LOYALTIES
Obey, submit, honor and pray for your government leaders. Vote, participate, be aware of what is happening, but give your life to Christ’s Kingdom, to the work of His Church. Matthew 6:33 instructs us, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.





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