Mark 11:12-26 - Nothing but Leaves
True worship is possible, but no longer at the temple – only at the cross – only through Christ. There is no other place to go to worship the one true God. What does this mean for us?
Racial discrimination, prejudice, and ethnic pride should not be part of our lives.
It’s tempting to think that it’s the job of our missionaries to reach the nations. It is, but it’s also our job (when we have the opportunity) to reach out to different people groups that live in our locality.
Search your heart. Is there any hint of racial discrimination, prejudice, or ethnic pride in your heart? If so, ask God to forgive you and repent of this attitude. Pray for opportunities to impact all nations with the Gospel.
Beware of focusing only on external appearance.
The fig tree was meant to be a visual parable to Israel and a visual example to the Church – to you. Just because you look good – just because your leaves are large and shiny doesn’t mean you’re bearing fruit that’s pleasing to God.
Remember the Lamb is also a Lion
The Lamb of God who takes away the world's sin is also the Lion of the tribe of Judah! Revelation 6:16 speaks of the wrath of the Lamb. As the Lamb, among other truths, Christ manifests the qualities of gentleness, humility, and meekness. If He were only the Lamb, I could see how people could treat Him casually, attend church occasionally, interrupt worship repeatedly, and disobey him frequently.
But as the Lion, I’m amazed at how casually Christians treat Christ. Never forget, this same Lamb is also the Lion, manifesting the ferocity of Christ’s anger and wrath. Jesus Christ is the same judge who will condemn all those who do not follow Him in this life. Lions are creatures to be feared and respected. Never forget, you follow the Lion of Judah.
Holiness should cause you to live differently in this life
Holiness is a divine obsession of your Master, Jesus Christ. God was intense when He said in Leviticus 19:2, “‘You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy.’” And you see that same intensity when Jesus overturns tables and stops traffic through the temple.
You, too, as individual temples of His Spirit, are called to holiness. We’re commanded to honor God with our bodies, meaning our lives should reflect holiness, which not only includes obedience to the Word of God but a hatred of the sins of thought, attitude, or behavior. Jesus means business when it comes to holiness. Do you?
Don’t merely attend church – meet with Christ
Jesus said, quoting Isaiah 56:7, “’For My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.’” The Court of the Gentiles' primary purpose was to be a place where Gentiles could seek God.
This desecration of the Court of the Gentiles was a national sin against God, and it was a sin against all lost people in the world. When the temple became a swap meet to fuel the religious leaders' greed, all faithful Jews and every other person on earth lost their opportunity to seek the Lord and worship the one true God.
It is good to come to MTBC. It’s good that we love others and reach out to those we don’t know. It is significant that we care about each other on Sundays. But it is never good to distract others from genuine worship – to joke with our friends, continually get up during the service, play with our phones, make comments about distracting issues – or keep others in the Welcome Center when they should be in worship.
We are here to meet with Christ. Our corporate worship must be authentic and from the heart. When we hear God’s Word, we must listen as if our lives depend on it. When we sing praise, we must never forget who we sing to. When we give, we offer ourselves. When we pray, we mean what we say. Do not merely come to church. Never forget we’re here to meet with Christ.
Prayerlessness needs to be repented of so that we can be involved in seeing God move.
Evaluate your personal prayer life. Is it vital and thriving, or is it withering or non-existent? Make the time to pray in private.
Take the opportunities to pray with the church through your small groups. Be a part of the ZOOM prayer times on Wednesday mornings (7:00 AM) and Thursday evenings (7:00 PM). It might mean that you have to get up earlier or not watch TV, but it will be well worth the sacrifice.
Finally, take advantage of the scheduled men and women’s prayer times. This a great way to bear one another’s burdens – to rejoice with those who rejoice and to weep with those who weep.
Christ is coming again – are you ready to meet your Judge?
Christ demonstrated His uncompromising willingness to judge in the cleansing of the temple. But one day, everyone who’s ever lived will face Christ as their holy Judge. Read 2 Timothy 4:1, “I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom.”
When you stand before Him, if there is just one sin, one wrong word, one bad attitude, one bad behavior, perfect holiness will require Christ to send you to Hell. And the only way to escape this is to hate your sins, turn from them, depend on Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for your sins, believe He rose from the dead, and follow Him with your life. Will you be condemned forever in Hell, or will you follow the One who was condemned in your place?
Racial discrimination, prejudice, and ethnic pride should not be part of our lives.
It’s tempting to think that it’s the job of our missionaries to reach the nations. It is, but it’s also our job (when we have the opportunity) to reach out to different people groups that live in our locality.
Search your heart. Is there any hint of racial discrimination, prejudice, or ethnic pride in your heart? If so, ask God to forgive you and repent of this attitude. Pray for opportunities to impact all nations with the Gospel.
Beware of focusing only on external appearance.
The fig tree was meant to be a visual parable to Israel and a visual example to the Church – to you. Just because you look good – just because your leaves are large and shiny doesn’t mean you’re bearing fruit that’s pleasing to God.
- Beware of seeking to please God in your strength – in your flesh
- Beware of talking one way at church, then screaming at your kids or spouse at home
- Beware of thanking God here, but being unthankful at work
- Beware of living one way with Christians, and another way with others
- Beware of being concerned only about external appearance
Remember the Lamb is also a Lion
The Lamb of God who takes away the world's sin is also the Lion of the tribe of Judah! Revelation 6:16 speaks of the wrath of the Lamb. As the Lamb, among other truths, Christ manifests the qualities of gentleness, humility, and meekness. If He were only the Lamb, I could see how people could treat Him casually, attend church occasionally, interrupt worship repeatedly, and disobey him frequently.
But as the Lion, I’m amazed at how casually Christians treat Christ. Never forget, this same Lamb is also the Lion, manifesting the ferocity of Christ’s anger and wrath. Jesus Christ is the same judge who will condemn all those who do not follow Him in this life. Lions are creatures to be feared and respected. Never forget, you follow the Lion of Judah.
Holiness should cause you to live differently in this life
Holiness is a divine obsession of your Master, Jesus Christ. God was intense when He said in Leviticus 19:2, “‘You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy.’” And you see that same intensity when Jesus overturns tables and stops traffic through the temple.
You, too, as individual temples of His Spirit, are called to holiness. We’re commanded to honor God with our bodies, meaning our lives should reflect holiness, which not only includes obedience to the Word of God but a hatred of the sins of thought, attitude, or behavior. Jesus means business when it comes to holiness. Do you?
Don’t merely attend church – meet with Christ
Jesus said, quoting Isaiah 56:7, “’For My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.’” The Court of the Gentiles' primary purpose was to be a place where Gentiles could seek God.
This desecration of the Court of the Gentiles was a national sin against God, and it was a sin against all lost people in the world. When the temple became a swap meet to fuel the religious leaders' greed, all faithful Jews and every other person on earth lost their opportunity to seek the Lord and worship the one true God.
It is good to come to MTBC. It’s good that we love others and reach out to those we don’t know. It is significant that we care about each other on Sundays. But it is never good to distract others from genuine worship – to joke with our friends, continually get up during the service, play with our phones, make comments about distracting issues – or keep others in the Welcome Center when they should be in worship.
We are here to meet with Christ. Our corporate worship must be authentic and from the heart. When we hear God’s Word, we must listen as if our lives depend on it. When we sing praise, we must never forget who we sing to. When we give, we offer ourselves. When we pray, we mean what we say. Do not merely come to church. Never forget we’re here to meet with Christ.
Prayerlessness needs to be repented of so that we can be involved in seeing God move.
Evaluate your personal prayer life. Is it vital and thriving, or is it withering or non-existent? Make the time to pray in private.
Take the opportunities to pray with the church through your small groups. Be a part of the ZOOM prayer times on Wednesday mornings (7:00 AM) and Thursday evenings (7:00 PM). It might mean that you have to get up earlier or not watch TV, but it will be well worth the sacrifice.
Finally, take advantage of the scheduled men and women’s prayer times. This a great way to bear one another’s burdens – to rejoice with those who rejoice and to weep with those who weep.
Christ is coming again – are you ready to meet your Judge?
Christ demonstrated His uncompromising willingness to judge in the cleansing of the temple. But one day, everyone who’s ever lived will face Christ as their holy Judge. Read 2 Timothy 4:1, “I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom.”
When you stand before Him, if there is just one sin, one wrong word, one bad attitude, one bad behavior, perfect holiness will require Christ to send you to Hell. And the only way to escape this is to hate your sins, turn from them, depend on Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for your sins, believe He rose from the dead, and follow Him with your life. Will you be condemned forever in Hell, or will you follow the One who was condemned in your place?