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Mark 12:18-27 - Is There Marriage In Eternity?
May 7th, 2021
3 Questions:1. How did the Holy Spirit use this week’s sermon to convict you?2. How did the Holy Spirit use this week’s sermon to encourage you?3. What is one thing you will do this week in response t...  Read More
Mark 12:13-17 - God and Government
April 30th, 2021
3 Questions:1. How did the Holy Spirit use God’s word to convict you?2. How did the Holy Spirit use God’s word to encourage you?3. What is one thing you will do this week in response to God’s word?If ...  Read More
Ruth 3 - Promised Redemption
April 23rd, 2021
MAIN POINT: The depth of God’s love for us is indescribable.Are you typically a risk-taker, or do you like to play it safe? Why?What is the riskiest thing you have done lately?What role does risk play...  Read More
Mark 11:27 - 12:12 - The Lord of the Vineyard
April 16th, 2021
The parable in Mark 12:1-12 might leave some feeling as if God is pretty foolish. In this parable, God is the landowner who has leased His land to some tenants (Jews, especially the Jewish leaders). T...  Read More
Mark 11:12-26 - Nothing but Leaves
April 9th, 2021
True worship is possible, but no longer at the temple – only at the cross – only through Christ. There is no other place to go to worship the one true God. What does this mean for us?Racial discrimina...  Read More
Mark 16:1-8 - Hope For All Who Have Failed
April 2nd, 2021
One of the best tests of the strength of a relationship is conflict. The people who genuinely love us and have our best interests at heart are those who we can endure conflict and come out on the othe...  Read More
Mark 11:1-11 - Is Christ Your King?
March 26th, 2021
THREE QUESTIONS:How did the Holy Spirit use this week’s sermon to convict you?How did the Holy Spirit use this week’s sermon to encourage you?What is one thing you will do this week in response to the...  Read More
Ruth 2 - Rags To Riches
March 19th, 2021
Sometimes we’re called to step out in faith, not knowing the destination or the outcome. Ruth literally had to step out in faith as she went to the barley fields seeking someone in whose eyes she coul...  Read More
The Mercy of Jesus - Mark 10:46-52
March 12th, 2021
Someone once bluntly asked blind and deaf Helen Keller, “Isn’t it terrible to be blind?” To which she responded, “Better to be blind and see with your heart, than to have two good eyes and see nothing...  Read More
Mark 10:32-45 - The Suffering Servant Leader
March 5th, 2021
Christ was a servant and a slave, then was exalted by His Father, and given a name which is above any other name – President, king, billionaire, sports legend — better, showing us the path to greatnes...  Read More
Ruth 1 - What Is The Meaning Of Suffering
February 26th, 2021
It is perhaps the number one question on the minds of men and women around the world: where is God when I am suffering? Many times, when we come to stories like Ruth and Naomi’s, we don’t really know ...  Read More
Mark 10:17-22 - The Idol That Kept The Rich Young Ruler From Having Eternal Life
February 19th, 2021
Kids are full of excuses. They say things like, “I forgot.” “I didn’t hear you.”It’s too hard.” “It makes me nervous.” Christian adults have developed some excuses for not being involved in evangeli...  Read More