I'm New
what to expect

God's glory comes first
We exist to be a community that glorifies God. Our services reflect that commitment. We welcome one another with joy - you'll find deep friendship here. We're led by our worship team and band in singing deep songs together - old and new - that reflect God's character with energy and enthusiasm. We pray for each other and for others, relying on God as the sovereign king of the universe. We preach the Scriptures book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse, believing that God's Word has everything we need for life and godliness. We give and go out together to spread God's kingdom through our community and the whole world! Read more on our mission here.
The Bible uses many metaphors for the church - the family of God, the body of Christ, the fellowship of the saints. We often use the word "community" to describe these concepts. You will be welcomed with open arms, just as God has welcomed us. We want those who are already followers of Jesus to find themselves surrounded by brothers and sisters who will help one another toward Jesus in every part of life, and for those who aren't followers of Jesus yet to see a community that has a beautiful, sweet attractiveness to it and be compelled to say "I want what they have!"

Gathering Times
Sunday Worship - 10:30 AM
Sunday Classes - 9:30 AM
Small Groups - Sundays and Mondays,
various times and locations
Sunday Classes - 9:30 AM
Small Groups - Sundays and Mondays,
various times and locations
We love your whole family!
Nursery is available up to age 3, and children from ages 4 to 2nd Grade can attend Children's Church which is dismissed from the adult service. Of course, children are always welcome to stay with their parents in the service.
Nursery is available up to age 3, and children from ages 4 to 2nd Grade can attend Children's Church which is dismissed from the adult service. Of course, children are always welcome to stay with their parents in the service.

What to Wear
Clothes! We're concerned about God's glory, the gospel, and grace -
not what you wear.
not what you wear.
7300 S State Road 267
Lebanon, IN 46052
Lebanon, IN 46052