The launching point for our ministry is the Sunday morning gathering. The Word shapes our gathering. We sing, pray, read, and preach the Scriptures.
Every first Sunday of the month, we celebrate the Lord's Supper - if you're a believer and you've been baptized, you're welcome to participate. If not, let's talk!
sunday classes
Before our main worship service, we offer classes that cover various areas of the Christian life, theology, or the Scriptures. These are taught by pastors and mature, faithful members. This forms the core of how we seek to shape and mold our members in group settings. The classes rotate every quarter.
Classes offered in the past: Evangelism, Marriage, Spiritual Disciplines, Stewardship, Finding God's Will, How to Study the Bible, Counseling, Theology, Fear of Man, What is the Gospel?, Pride, the Beatitudes, and more.
Classes offered in the past: Evangelism, Marriage, Spiritual Disciplines, Stewardship, Finding God's Will, How to Study the Bible, Counseling, Theology, Fear of Man, What is the Gospel?, Pride, the Beatitudes, and more.