Our pastors serve the congregation as shepherds and overseers. Each one teaches in various ministry areas as well as meeting together in weekly pastor's meetings to pray, seek God's Word for wisdom, and shepherd well.

Jason Grubbs
Lead Teaching Pastor
Jason has been the Lead Pastor at Gospel Grace since 2010. He and his wife Joy have four children (all now married) and one grandchild. He loves preaching and discipling one-on-one. He is committed to expositional preaching that is relevant and applicable, believing that God's Word changes lives. He holds a degree in Pastoral Theology and serves on the Board of Baptist International Evangelistic Ministries. Joy serves on our worship team!
AJ Adkins
Lay Pastor
AJ and his wife Courtney have been members of Gospel Grace since 2011. AJ became an elder in 2023 and serves in teaching Sunday School Classes and discipling. He works in agricultural sales full time and raises his three children on his small family farm. He loves reading good books, listening to good podcasts, and serving others.

Kenny Froment
Associate Pastor
Kenny has been at Gospel Grace since 2015. He is a native New Englander that has been transplanted into the Midwest. He holds a Pastoral Studies Degree with an emphasis in Youth Ministry. Kenny is mainly involved in our student ministries, but is also deeply involved in our teaching/preaching/ discipleship ministries as well. He also serves as the drummer in our church band. He and his wife Allison have 4 children.

Jeff Murray
Administrative Pastor / Counseling
Jeff has been at Gospel Grace since 2019. He has an MA in Pastoral Studies and has done extensive study in the area of Biblical Counseling. He enjoys teaching the Bible and helping people see how Scripture is sufficient to deal with their life issues. Jeff leads our community counseling ministry and is deeply involved in our teaching/preaching as well. He has been married to his wife Theresa since 1987. They have 5 children and several grandchildren.