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Joy is found in Jesus Christ.

The Bible has the answers to life's problems.

We want to help you find both.

  • Why Biblical Counseling?
We understand that there are times in life where you just need a helping hand. In fact, many people are doing very well in some parts of their life while struggling with others. Now might be the time when you need someone to come alongside and encourage you from the Bible.
  • What is Biblical Counseling?
We seek to promote Christ-centered personal change. Our process involves the Bible, God’s Word, and how it is related individually to a person or persons who are struggling under the weight of personal sin and/or the difficulties with suffering so that he or she might genuinely change in the inner person to be pleasing to God and embrace their God-given design and purpose.
  • Common issues we deal with
Pastor Jeff and our counseling team have helped people through a variety of issues. Some of the more common problems include:
- Depression
- Trauma
- Anxiety
- Struggling marriages
- Sexual sin, pornography, marital infidelity
Regardless of the issue you bring to us, we believe that God's Word (the Bible) is sufficient, the Gospel is good news, and joy is found in Jesus Christ. For a complete list of issues we offer counseling for, click here.
  • What to expect
Once you secure an appointment your first session is typically 1.5-2.5 hours long. You can expect to be treated with care and respect. Everything will be held in strict confidence except where, in the counselor's judgment, there is a Biblical requirement to involve others (e.g. criminal activity). Our counseling team will encourage you in your successes and exhort you to think and behave in a way that pleases Jesus Christ. You'll be assigned weekly homework between your counseling sessions. The assignments are meant to encourage lasting change. Give us time - habits are not developed overnight, and new habits will take time to develop. In most cases, we ask individuals to commit to regular counseling appointments for a period of 3 to 4 months.
  • Counseling is always free for anyone.
If you're interested in counseling, please call or email:
Jeff Murray
Pastor of Counseling

Pastor Jeff or someone on our counseling team will contact you to discuss scheduling your first session and to answer any questions you have about the Biblical counseling program.  We would consider it an honor to come alongside you and walk with you through this time in your life.